Restore St Fillans Parish Building

St Fillan’s Catholic Church serves the rural community of Houston & Bridge of Weir in Renfrewshire.  Our church is small but has important historical significance for Scotland, being one of the oldest Catholic Church buildings constructed post-Reformation (and the oldest in continual use in Renfrewshire) The church falls within the Houston Village Conservation Area (CA300) and the buildings were assigned a Category B listing in August 1977.   

Built in 1841, our church has served successive generations well, but is now in need of urgent and substantial work to restore full structural and watertight integrity.  Our location is prominent at the entrance to the historic village of Houston, and presents an impressive architecture appreciated by the whole community.

This petition seeks to evidence that there is extensive support across our community as we embark on this historical restoration project and request your support in adding your signature to this cause. It is vital that we secure all available external grant funding to assist in the completion of this project in a timely manner. Records of such support in the wider community are a key component in the application to the grant funding authorities that we intend to engage with, so your help in providing this is greatly appreciated.  St Fillans Catholic Church serves the rural community of Houston & Bridge of Weir in Renfrewshire. Built in 1841, our church has served many generations but is now in need of urgent and substantial work to restore full structural integrity..

Please help us today to restore our beautiful church by signing your name via the link below:

Bell towerjpg

Latest updates...


‘Thank you all for your generosity! Over the last few months the donations for the church rebuild have been heartwarming, with some partitioners donating £5000 to the works. We cannot thank you all enough. Our coffee morning on Sunday 28th raised over £1100. This highlights the kindness of you all and the dedication to saving our church. Thank you all.’


‘The rebuild of all the joists in the roof have now been completed, with new brick work supporting the structure. The team have been working diligently to update all electricals to ensure safe use which allowed us to receive our electrical inspection certificate.


We have been working hard to remove the dry rot that was harming the joists in our building. New beams have been fitted with structural brick work to secure the floor.

Great work from the team 