Trinity Sunday (A) 4 th June 2023

Trinity Sunday (A) 4 th June 2023

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.

Holy Mass - Weekdays: please note, this Wednesday evening at 7.00pm.

Thursday and Friday Holy Mass at 9.30am

Liturgy of Word & Holy Communion: Tuesday at 9.30am.

Exposition of Blessed Sacrament: Thursday, 8.30 – 9.30am.

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at
4.30pm, and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.

Your prayers, please for our parish family: Lorraine Wagstaff, Paul
Kearney, David Crewes and for all suffering in mind and body: Lord, bless
them with your grace and peace.

RECENTLY DIED: Frances McKendrick, Teresa Vui and Mauro Mancetti.
ANNIVERSARIES: Anne Jenkins, Basil Lethorn, Rosie Tiffen, Allan Ford
Bernard Banks, Fr Patrick Woods and Fr John Haran, long-serving, former
Parish Priest of St Fillan’s - grant them eternal rest, O Lord.

WARM WELCOME back to Fr Paul Brady (St Margaret’s, Johnstone) who
will celebrate the Vigil Mass and welcome to Fr John Convery of the
Xaverian Missionary Fathers (Coatbridge) to the 9.30 and 11.00am Mass on
Sunday on his first visit here to St Fillan’s.

SPECIAL COLLECTION after Holy Communion today is for Building Fund.
St FILLAN’S SCHOOL SUMMER FAYRE, organised by the Parent Council,
will take place in our Church-Garden, this Friday, 9th June, between 6.30
and 8.30pm. All welcome. Entry ticket (donation) £2. Family Ticket, £5.
ROME PILGRIMAGE: short meeting with the Anne Marie Cairns, the Alba
Tour rep., will take place (next) Sunday 11th June, after 11.00am Mass.

REFURBISHMENT - works at back of church/hall porch and WCs were delayed
this week owing to sudden illness of the team-leader. He is on the mend. I am
assured that these will resume again this Monday morning. Thank you for your
continued patience and generosity in making these renovations, possible.
NEXT WEEKEND: Special Collection for the Retired & Sick Priests’ Fund of
the Diocese.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: I place all my trust in Thee.