TRINITY SUNDAY, 12th June 2022

TRINITY SUNDAY, 12th June 2022

  • Vigil Mass (Saturdays) 5.00pm. 9.30 & 11.00am on Sundays.
  • Weekdays: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 9.30am.
  • Thursday: Eucharistic Adoration at 9.00 -10.00am. Friday: Rosary at 9.10am.
  • Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation. Saturday 10.00am, again at 4.30pm on Saturday and after the Vigil Mass.
NEXT SUNDAY: Special Collection for Retired/Infirm Priests of the Diocese.
Your prayers, please, for those in our parish family who areILL: Dolly Cameron, Michael McCabe, Tony Gallacher and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.
DIED: Jim O’Donnell (Newton Mearns) Thomas Cowie and Tom McAleer.
ANNIVERSARY: Anna Winters and Fr William Diamond– grant them eternal rest, Lord.
BISHOP JOHN has been encouraging the priests of the Diocese to try to share duties over the summer to allow for allocated leave and rest. Very few priests are available to supply cover. As you may know St. Margaret’s and St. Aidan’s in Johnstone share over the summer months. Mass times, sometimes adjusted, enabling one priest to cover both parishes. Inverclyde Deanery runs a similar summer schedule for this same reason. REVISED SUMMER SCHEDULE: together with Fr. Michael in Linwood, I have decided - with the support of Bishop John, after reflection and discussion - to adopt a such a programme during the school summer holiday period. This will allow us both to take our allocated annual leave for the first time in three years. Therefore, for the school holiday period, this summer, Monday 4th July until Friday 19th August inclusive, the following temporary schedule will apply:
  • Sat. Vigil St. Fillan’s 5.00pm St. Conval’s 6.00pm
  • Sunday St. Fillan’s 9:30am St. Conval’s 11.00am
  • Monday St. Conval’s 10.00am
  • Tuesday St. Fillan’s 9.30am
  • Thursday St. Fillan’s 9.30am
  • Friday St. Conval’s 10.00am
Confessions before the Vigil Mass in St. Fillan’s and after Vigil Mass in St. Conval’s. Funerals take place in the parish of residence of deceased on days when Mass is celebrated there. Baptisms (by arrangement) St. Fillan’s Saturday 12:00 noon. St. Conval’s, Sunday 12:30pm.
This involves, for some, change of Sunday Mass time and fewer weekday Masses for both parish communities - each will, however, welcome visitors from the other parish. I can rely on your understanding. Please update your diaries (4th July – 19th Aug) If you wish to offer transport to other parishioners, or if you wish to ask for transport, please inform me.

PRAYER FOR JUNE: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I Place all my trust in You. AMcF