TheBulletin Trinity Sunday (B)           26th May 2024

TheBulletin Trinity Sunday (B) 26th May 2024

St Fillan’s Houston                       

May is the month of Our Blessed Lady.


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.

Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am.

Rosary for month of May before each weekday Mass at 9.10am.

Friday: Feast of Visitation. Procession to Lourdes Garden after 9.30am Mass to conclude the month of May.

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.


Your prayers, please for our parish family: Grace Parsons, Ryan Mulholland, Maisie Reed and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.


FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Michael McParland, George Hailstones, James O’Donnell and Fr Krzysztof Jablonski.


ANNIVERSARIES: Robert Hadden, Fred Hughes, Sarah Doherty, Thomas Mathieson, James Lowrie, Canon Ferdinand Tritschler (former Parish Priest of      St Fillan’s & Army Chaplain at D Day)- grant them eternal rest, Lord.


RESTORATION UPDATE: new windows, specially designed exact replicas, were delivered during the week and are now being installed in the hall. Most of the original hall windows are over 100 years old, seriously rotted, unsafe and require urgent replacement.  


THANK YOU for your continued generosity which make the above-works and rest of the restoration project possible.  Special envelopes are available for this purpose at main-door. Please, consider Gift-Aid and remember to make any chequepayable to St Fillan’s RC Church, Houston.


SPECIAL COLLECTION for Building Fund next weekend.


ST BENEDICT’S Malawi Trip: Fr. Michael, School Chaplain, is going, with eight pupils from St. Benedict’s High School, to our partner school in Malawi at the end of June - the first trip since the pandemic. They are appealing for various needs over the next few weeks. This Week - they are still looking for home knitting for new-born babies for the Malawi hospital and orphanage.  Box at main door of church if you can assist.  

Malawi Fundraiser Prosecco Afternoon Tea, Saturday 1st June (1pm-4pm) in St Conval’s Hall, Linwood. Tickets £5.00 from Barbara Anderson (tel. 07738431708)

HOLY YEAR 2025: Diocesan Pilgrimages to Rome & Assisi. Both pilgrimages will include 5 nights in Rome & 2 nights in Assisi. Flights with Jet2 from Glasgow Airport. The Pilgrimages are from 5-12 May 2025 & 12-19 September 2025. More details, including costs and booking contacts are available on the Diocesan website at                                                                                                 AMcF