The Epiphany of the Lord (B) 7th January 2024

The Epiphany of the Lord (B) 7th January 2024

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9.30am.
Requiem Mass for Helen Palmer RIP on Friday at 9.30am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds and Paul Kearney -
their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and
body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Josie Hart, Helen Palmer, Anne Aitken, Paul Whitby, Robert Hurrell,
Stefan Zawadaski, Paul Neeson, William Hainey and Fr Michael Savage.
ANNIVERSARIES: Archie & Daisy McGonigal, James Casey, Charlie Quigg (snr) James
Murtagh, Catherine Mathieson, Patrick McGonigal, Frances & Andrew Wilson, John & Kathy
McGonigal, Eamon McCabe, Charlotte, Alex & Hugh McLean, John Casey, Peter McAnulty,
Sophia Crawford, Fr Thomas Finbarr Ryan, Canon James Murphy, Fr Denis McKillop, Fr
Hugh Heslin, Fr Joseph Logue, Monsignor Francis Provost Magauran D.D. - grant them
eternal rest Lord.
THANK YOU for your huge and thoughtful generosity to the Special Works Building Fund in the last
two weeks, amounting to £2,170. More details will be forthcoming soon about those vital renovation
works which begin on our beloved church-building of St Fillan’s in the spring. Some parts of the
building are over 200 years old. I intend to call a Parish Meeting in February at which the surveyors
will present a Power-Point slide-show detailing the key areas where necessary repairs and renovation
are required. Your continued support is greatly appreciated as together we rebuild for the future.
Safeguarding Training 2024: Tuesday 16 th January at 7pm in Cathedral Hall, Paisley.
Young Adults: The ‘Christ in the Covenants’ series continues with a presentation from Fr Paul
Denney. He will explore God’s covenant with Moses. Aged 18-35? Come along: learn more about
your Faith and meet other young Catholics. The talk begins at 7pm in the Diocesan Office, this
Wednesday 10th January. It will end with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, followed by an
opportunity to socialise. Email Fr Ryan for more info. ( and be added to their
new WhatsApp group, if you wish.
Finally, I wish to thank you for your immense generosity over the Christmas season, especially for all
your time and hard work in preparing the church, the liturgy, the music, the decoration of the altar and
even the garden. Thanks, also, for your many beautiful cards and kind gifts. These were all greatly
appreciated. Although, time constraints make it impossible to respond to each of you personally,
along with Sr Mary Frances, please accept this note of our sincere gratitude. Be assured of daily
remembrance in the prayer of the Divine Office and at the altar of God. May the new year of 2024 be
abundantly blessed for you with the light of the grace and peace of God who is with us.