St Fillan’s, Houston
The Bulletin
5th June 2022
  • Vigil Mass (Saturdays) 5.00pm. 9.30 & 11am on Sundays.
  • Weekdays: Tuesday at 7.30pm. Wednesday to Saturday at 9.30am.
  • Thursday: Eucharistic Adoration at 9.00am. Friday: Rosary at 9.10am.
  • Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation. Saturday 10.00am, again at 4.30pm on Saturday & after the Vigil Mass.
TODAY: Special Collection for St Fillan’s Building Fund (First Sunday of month)
Your prayers, please, for those in our parish family who are ILL: Dolly Cameron, Michael McCabe, Tony Gallacher and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.

MASS INTENTION for Francis McCoid.

DIED: Tom McAleer (Erskine), Thomas Farrell, Mary Black, Campbell McDonald and Eleanor McMahon.

SIX MONTH’S MIND: Robert Jaconelli.

ANNIVERSARY: Rose Tiffen and Henry Tiffen, Anne Jenkins, Thomas McElhiney, Ann McElhiney, Roseanne Collins and Fr John Haran – Parish Priest of St Fillan’s (1959- 1972) grant them eternal rest, Lord.

CONGRATULATIONS: on this Pentecost Sunday we remember, especially in our prayers those in Primary 7 who were confirmed here last Monday evening. Well done, all: “Come Holy Spirit, today, once more, fill the hearts of your faithful.”

THANK YOU: last week’s Special Collection for the Bishops’ Communications Fund realised £296, so much appreciated in these harsh economic times for many.

PLATINUM JUBILEE VILLAGE CELEBRATION on Friday was indeed a wonderful occasion for the whole community. Thanks be to God! The Jubilee Service in Houston Killellan Church was very well attended, then, here at St Fillan’s, the Jubilee Garden Party was hugely enjoyed by a real cross section of both congregations and the wider community. All enjoying, too, the opportunity to socialise together after such a long and difficult two years. Even the sun shone on us - eventually! A very sincere thank you to all who attended, personally donated, handed-in baking and food, and especially to those of you who volunteered, giving up many-hours of your time to make the occasion possible and then worked so hard together on the day to ensure that the village Platinum Jubilee was a resounding success, truly a day to remember in Houston. Well done, St Fillan’s!

PRAYER FOR JUNE: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I Place all my trust in You.