Fourth Advent Sunday, 18th December 2022

Fourth Advent Sunday, 18th December 2022


Christmas Eve (Saturday 24th Dec) Vigil Mass, for infants and recently baptised babies at 3.30pm.

Solemn Mass of Christmas Night (Saturday 24th Dec) at 8.00pm.

Christmas Day: 9.30am and 11.00am.

NEW YEAR’S DAY: Vigil Mass (31st Dec) at 5pm concluding with the Te Deum and Benediction. New Year’s Day (Sunday Mass) at 11.00am only.                                             No 9.30am Mass on Sunday 1st January.  

Weekdays: Holy Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am. Tuesday: Requiem Mass for Tony Gallacher at 9.30am.                           Wednesday: End of Term Mass for St Fillan’s Primary School at 9.30am. 

Confessions: additional Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation opportunities this week on Friday 23rd December from 7.00 – 7.30pm and again on Saturday, Christmas Eve, Confessions from 9.30 – 10.00am.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY at 11am Mass today (Primary 1 – Primary 7) each Sunday of Advent. It will resume again in Lent. Thanks to those who have prepared it.

TODAY, WE PRAY FOR                                                                                                                           ILL: Rosemary McInally and Paul Kearney and for all who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those who are alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.  

RECENTLY DECEASED: Tony Gallacher, John Mc Laughlin (Bishopton) Ian Stewart, (Benbecula) Margaret Armstrong (Renfrew) Danny Teague,  

ANNIVERSARIES: Elizabeth-Ann Brown, Gerald Murney, Mary Gordon, Jim Mimnagh, Theresa Oswald, Canon James Fisher - grant them eternal rest, Lord.  

EVENSONG: Advent Service in St Mary’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Johnstone Rd, Bridge of Weir, PA11 3EE, takes place today (Sunday) at 6pm: all welcome.

CAROLS in St Mirin’s Cathedral on Tue 27th December at 2pm. All welcome!

CHRISTMAS CARDS & CALENDARS for 2023 – now, on sale at stall.

ADVENT CRAFT SALE ends today. Everything half-price or less. All donations go to flowers for the altar at Christmas and the continued work of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, overseas.

Already the Fourth and final Sunday of Advent. What truly wonderful Christmas Shows in St Fillan’s Primary School throughout last week! Thanks to all the staff and the children for their hard work. Indeed, a joy-filled time together. May God bless this our final week of Advent with continued joy, grace and peace. AMcF