First Sunday of Advent (B) 3rd December

First Sunday of Advent (B) 3rd December

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm & All- Day,
this Thursday, 7 th December, from 8.30am – 8.00pm, in St Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds and Paul Kearney -
their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes, including the staff and for all
suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Charles Young (Morar Care Home) and Neil Collins.
ANNIVERSARIES: Irene Duffy, Michael Maloney, Tony Gallacher, Dolly Cameron, Robert
Jaconelli - grant them eternal rest Lord.
TODAY: Building Fund Special Collection (first Sunday of the month)
THURSDAY: All Day Confessions in St Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley, from after 8am Mass until 8pm.
At least two priests will be available throughout these twelve hours for your Christmas Confession,
properly the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Penance. An essential part of preparation for Christmas.
FRIDAY: Solemnity - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass at 9.30am.
ADVENT PROJECTS 2023 – two initiatives of our St Fillan’s, SVdP Conference this Advent:
1) Support for the SVdP, Our Lady of the Wayside Homeless Project, Paisley. Warm clothing
(hats, gloves, scarves and thermals) urgently required.
2) Support local Foodbank -food (non-perishables) tins and toiletries, etc – all gratefully
received at back of church from today and throughout Advent.
NATIVITY PLAY and Christmas Show in St Fillan’s Primary School on Wednesday 13 th December
for parishioners, at 11.00am in the school-hall.
CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE: Sr Mary Frances and a few friends have been busy for some months
now preparing festive craft-items for her annual Advent charity sale in St Fillan’s. The sale begins
today and continues through Advent. All proceeds-raised will go to support the Sisters of Our Lady
of the Missions Solidarity Fund, and also the decoration of the altar over the Christmas season.
CHRISTMAS CARDS & ART CALENDARS 2024: available now at piety-stall, by main-entrance.
ADVENT FAMILY PACK: celebrate, have create a brilliant family resource which can downloaded
from here for free
The Advent pack is full of wonderful things for families to do, pray, read and watch together. It also
features our new CELEBRATE Advent Matchbox Manger which can also be downloaded for free
from their website:
It's a really wonderful way to help children prepare their hearts for Jesus this Advent.
May our Advent be abundantly blessed with the grace and peace of God who is near. AMcF