First Advent Sunday, 27th November 2022
- Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 and 11.00am Holy Mass on Sunday.
- Weekdays: Holy Mass -Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am.
- Wednesday – St Andrew – Mass 9.30am. Friday First Friday of Month – 9.30am.
- No public Mass on Monday, this week.
- Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation at 4.30pm on Saturdays.
ADVENT RECONCILIATION - ALL DAY CONFESSIONS, three priests being available in St Mirin’s Cathedral, Thursday 15 December from 8.30am - 7.30pm.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY will resume, today at 11am Mass (Primary 1 – Primary 7) and continue through each Sunday of Advent.
NEXT SUNDAY: Monthly Special Collection for Building Fund (First Sunday of Month)
ILL: Rosemary McInally, Michael McCabe and Tony Gallacher, for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Peter Lohoar, Dolly Cameron and Charles Gallagher
ANNIVERSARIES: John Jenkins, Vera Gasperin, Fr Eugene Divney and Canon Michael Teahan- grant them eternal rest, Lord.
ADVENT CRAFT SALE: excellent display of Christmas craft, created organised each year by Sister M. Frances, is now open in both porches of church. All proceeds will go to flowers for the altar at Christmas and the continued work of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, overseas.
SCHOOL COFFEE MORNING on Friday last, the First for our school since the Covid pandemic – was a great success, hall, full to capacity, and a real sense of occasion. Thanks to the school, staff, children, the parents and all who supported and enjoyed the morning.
ROME PARISH PILGRIMAGE: proposed for Autumn 2023 – initial interest from any prospective pilgrims – please sign up (without obligation) on list, on clipboard, at door of sacristy. Then we can gauge numbers, firm up on costs and secure dates.
FORTY HOURS ADORATION at St Mirin’s Cathedral begins today, Sunday 27th until 30th November – to mark the beginning of Advent. More details available on Cathedral Website.
A much blessed and grace-filled Advent to you all. AMcF