Easter Sunday (B) 30th March 2024

Easter Sunday (B) 30th March 2024

St Fillan’s Houston The Bulletin

Vigil Mass (next week) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday and Wednesday at 10.00am.
Thursday: Adoration of Blessed Sacrament (Exposition) 9.30 –10 30am. Rosary at 10.00am.
Friday: Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion at 10.00am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Rosary: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 9.40am. This Thursday at 10.00am.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Ryan Mulholland, Maisie Reed and Paul
Kearney - their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in
mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Bill McGown, John Robertson, Veronica Swordy
ANNIVERSARIES: Una Gallagher, Annie Mulholland, William Gordon and Canon Denis
Sheahan- grant them eternal rest, Lord.
RESTORATION OF CHURCH: works have begun in earnest this week. Advanced
Preservation – specialists in dry and wet rot, have stripped out several tons of damaged lath
and plaster from the parish hall so that the preservation treatment and rebuild of the walls
and windows in the same level can proceed in due course. Works will continue in the week
ahead. Your donations are appreciated and now also via the QR Code. Please remember to
Gift Aid your donation, if you can. I am surprised how many of you have already done so.
Several sources of grants for our historic building are being professionally pursued. It is
already clear that grant-bodies require wide support in the local community - evidenced via
petitioning - for grant funding of renovation projects. Therefore, petition forms in support of
the St Fillan’s Restoration Project will be available both in paper version and online format -
available from next weekend. Please ensure that these petition forms receive maximum
support and are returned by end of April.
A VERY BIG THANK YOU: amongst the first to support our restoration were our friends at
Houston-Killellan Kirk – Their Guild donated £100 this week for our building works. I am
deeply touched by their generosity and of so many, not least our neighbours in the villages
from other Christian traditions who have expressed their affection and support for St Fillan’s
which for almost 200 years has withstood the ravages of rain, wind, weather and the passing
of history as a visible landmark of faith in our village community.
SPECIAL COLLECTION: next weekend for Building Fund (First Sunday of Month)
Annual Easter Mass in St Conval’s Cemetery, Barrhead, next Sunday at 2pm.
SAFEGUARDING: if you are a new volunteer or one who completed the Part 1 training
course more than a year ago, you are invited to sign up for a training session on Saturday
20th April at 10.30am in St. Mirin’s Cathedral Hall, Paisley.
A blessed Easter to you all: the grace, peace and joy of the Risen Lord. AMcF