Corpus Christi (A) The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 11th June 2023

Corpus Christi (A) The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 11th June 2023

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Friday: Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Holy Mass - Weekdays:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (Sacred Heart) - Holy Mass at 9.30am.
Liturgy of Word & Holy Communion: Thursday at 9.30am.

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at
4.30pm, and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.

Your prayers, please for our parish family: Paul Kearney, David Crewes,
Pope Francis and for all suffering in mind and body: Lord, bless them with
your grace and peace.

RECENTLY DIED: Frances McKendrick and Mgr James Cunningham.
ANNIVERSARIES: John Higgins & deceased family members and
Mgr William Diamond - grant them eternal rest, O Lord.

SPECIAL COLLECTION after Holy Communion today is for the Retired &
Sick Priests’ Fund of the Diocese.

St FILLAN’S SCHOOL SUMMER FAYRE was held in glorious weather on Friday
evening. Good numbers attended, of all age-groups, and much fun was evident.
Sincere thanks to the Parent Council for all their work in organising the event and
to our few but hugely loyal gardeners for ensuring the grounds were at their best.
ROME PILGRIMAGE: short meeting with the Anne Marie Cairns, the Alba Tour
rep., will take place, today, Sunday 11th June, after 11.00am Mass.

REFURBISHMENT: works at back of church/hall porch and WCs are nearing
completion. Thank you for your continued generosity and patience in making these
renovations possible.

MASSES IN JULY & AUGUST: revised programme for Masses will be in place once
more throughout the holiday months of July and August. The Vigil Mass at 5.00pm
and Sunday Mass at 9.30 am will continue in St Fillan’s as normal. However,
Sunday 11.00am Mass will take place in St Conval’s, Linwood, during July and
August. Other details will be published next week. Your understanding and
continued cooperation is appreciated over the holiday period.

40 Hours Adoration of Blessed Sacrament at St. Margaret's, Johnstone.

Sunday 11th June until Tuesday 13th June. Eucharistic adoration throughout each day.
Sunday: Sung Evening Prayer and Benediction at 6.00pm.

Monday & Tuesday: Exposition all day. Prayer of the church 12.15pm & 4.30pm.

Monday evening: Holy Hour & Benediction 7.00pm. Tuesday evening: closing Mass 7.00pm.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: I place all my trust in Thee.