7th Sunday of Easter (B) Communications Day 12th May 2024
St Fillan’s Houston The Bulletin
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am.
Service of the Word & Holy Communion on Friday at 9.30am
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Rosary: before weekday Mass at 9.10am. May is the month of Our Blessed Lady.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Grace Parsons, Ryan Mulholland, Eileen MacPherson, Maisie Reed and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: John Brown (Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 9.30am) and Mervin McCartney.
ANNIVERSARIES: Stevie McLean, Winifred Quigley, Mary Docherty, Fr John Boyle and Fr John H Fitzsimmons - grant them eternal rest, Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION for Bishops’ Communications Fund today.
CONGRATULATIONS: Peter Tinney-Behan and Courtney Cox who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday. To the girls and boys of P.4 who made their First Holy Communion in St Fillan’s on Saturday, and to Anne Carroll and Gordon Hunter on the occasion of their marriage,celebrated with Nuptial Mass, later that afternoon. May God continue to bless them all with his love and grace.
THANK YOU for your generosity to the restoration project this week. Special envelopes are available for this purpose at main-door. Please, consider Gift-Aid and also remember to make any cheque payable to St Fillan’s RC Church, Houston.
HOWWOOD: devotions with rosary in honour of Our Lady of Fatima at 7.30pm tonight (Sunday 12th May) concluding with Benediction and the celebration of Mass at 8pm. These Fatima vigil-evenings of prayer for peace now continue on the 12th of each month from May to October. All welcome.
YOUNG FAMILIES: an invitation to young couples (married or soon-to-be) and their little ones to a get-together at St Mirin's Cathedral Hall on Saturday 25th May at 4pm.Tea and coffee will be provided, but don't forget to bring snacks for yourselves and your children. For more information from Nikolas nikolas_paul@proton.me
NEXT WEEKEND: Special Collection for Sick & Retired Priests of the Diocese.
Safeguarding Thought for the Month: we regard as our paramount concern the safety of children and vulnerable adults (May 2024)
As we approach Pentecost, next Sunday, please remember to pray to the Holy Spirit for those preparing for the Sacrament ofConfirmation in the Cathedral this Wednesday evening, including twelve wonderful young people from St Fillan’s (P.7)