7 th Sunday of Year (A) 19 th February 2023
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 and 11.00am Holy Mass on Sunday.
ASH WEDNESDAY: Morning Mass at 9.30am. Evening Mass at 7.00pm.
Weekdays Mass at 9.30am this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Requiem Masses this week at 9.30am on Monday - Rosemary Meighan RIP. Friday -
Archie John Macdonald. Reception of remains on Thursday at 6.30pm
Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation this week on Friday between 7.00 –
7.30pm and again on Saturday at from 4.30 - 4.45pm and after Vigil Mass.
COMMITMENT MASS at 11.00am Mass today for P7 girls and boys who are preparing for
the Sacrament of Confirmation.
SCIAF LENTEN BOXES: available today. Please take a SCIAF envelope/box home.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: each Sunday during Lent at the 11.00am Mass.
ILL: Jim and Carol Dever, Paul Kearney and Rosemary McInally and for all who have
asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital
and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially
those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Rosemary Meighan, Archie John Macdonald and James McVittie.
ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret McGonigal, Fr Kevin Barry and Fr John Doherty - grant them
eternal rest, Lord.
ROME 2023: meeting for this September’s proposed parish-pilgrimage will take place in the
Hall this Thursday at 7.30pm. All interested are invited to attend, hear what is proposed by
the tour-operator and discuss further.
Special Collection: last week, for SPRED, amounted to £567.10 - thanks to all.
World Day of Prayer: Friday 3 March at 7pm in Houston Killellan Church, Kirk Rd.
LENT RETREAT: The Ignatian Spirituality Centre will again this year offer an online Lent
Retreat and provide free App/free booklets required. Retreat details and how to get these
booklets can be seen here: https://www.iscglasgow.co.uk/lent23.html View the Retreat on
ASH WEDNESDAY: Morning Mass at 9.30am. Evening Mass at 7.00pm.
Weekdays Mass at 9.30am this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Requiem Masses this week at 9.30am on Monday - Rosemary Meighan RIP. Friday -
Archie John Macdonald. Reception of remains on Thursday at 6.30pm
Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation this week on Friday between 7.00 –
7.30pm and again on Saturday at from 4.30 - 4.45pm and after Vigil Mass.
COMMITMENT MASS at 11.00am Mass today for P7 girls and boys who are preparing for
the Sacrament of Confirmation.
SCIAF LENTEN BOXES: available today. Please take a SCIAF envelope/box home.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: each Sunday during Lent at the 11.00am Mass.
ILL: Jim and Carol Dever, Paul Kearney and Rosemary McInally and for all who have
asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital
and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially
those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Rosemary Meighan, Archie John Macdonald and James McVittie.
ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret McGonigal, Fr Kevin Barry and Fr John Doherty - grant them
eternal rest, Lord.
ROME 2023: meeting for this September’s proposed parish-pilgrimage will take place in the
Hall this Thursday at 7.30pm. All interested are invited to attend, hear what is proposed by
the tour-operator and discuss further.
Special Collection: last week, for SPRED, amounted to £567.10 - thanks to all.
World Day of Prayer: Friday 3 March at 7pm in Houston Killellan Church, Kirk Rd.
LENT RETREAT: The Ignatian Spirituality Centre will again this year offer an online Lent
Retreat and provide free App/free booklets required. Retreat details and how to get these
booklets can be seen here: https://www.iscglasgow.co.uk/lent23.html View the Retreat on