6th Sunday of Easter (A) 14th May 2023
St Fillan’s, Houston The Bulletin
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Thursday (Ascension) Holyday of Obligation. Holy Mass - 9.30am & 7pm.
Holy Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday - 9.30am. Friday Mass, 8.00am, this week.
Month of May: Rosary before all weekday Masses. Procession into Mary’s Garden and the Shrine after the Vigil & Sunday Masses (weather permitting)
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm, and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Lorraine Wagstaff,
Paul Kearney, David Crewes, their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Terry McCourt (Blantyre)
ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret Butler, Fr Andrew Coleman, Fr Felix Connolly and Fr John Boyle Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION next weekend for Bishops’ Communications Fund. FINANCE TEAM: the new members who volunteered to count/bank
collections will meet after the 11.00am Mass today (Sunday 14th May)
ROME PILGRIMAGE: meeting for all concerned with the Anne Marie, Alba Tour rep., will take place on Sunday 3rd June after 11.00am Mass.
RECENT COFFEE MORNING to support the forthcoming Catholic Student- Teachers’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has been a huge success. So far, the proceeds from the Coffee Morning (+ more recent donations) have raised £ 505 for the project organised by Marc Rennie. Thanks, and well done all!
BISHOP JOHN sends his thanks and assurances of prayers to all who made the pastoral visit such an uplifting and memorable occasion last weekend. He was touched by your prayerfulness, participation and welcome. St Fillan’s church, liturgy, garden and its shrine were all beautifully prepared, looking at their very best. Even the sun shone. Thanks to one and all.
CONGRATULATIONS to the boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Thanks again, to all those who, often in the background, give generously of their time and talents. Deo gratias. The sun is shining brightly, once more, in this the month of Mary, the lovely month of May!
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Thursday (Ascension) Holyday of Obligation. Holy Mass - 9.30am & 7pm.
Holy Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday - 9.30am. Friday Mass, 8.00am, this week.
Month of May: Rosary before all weekday Masses. Procession into Mary’s Garden and the Shrine after the Vigil & Sunday Masses (weather permitting)
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm, and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Lorraine Wagstaff,
Paul Kearney, David Crewes, their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Terry McCourt (Blantyre)
ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret Butler, Fr Andrew Coleman, Fr Felix Connolly and Fr John Boyle Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION next weekend for Bishops’ Communications Fund. FINANCE TEAM: the new members who volunteered to count/bank
collections will meet after the 11.00am Mass today (Sunday 14th May)
ROME PILGRIMAGE: meeting for all concerned with the Anne Marie, Alba Tour rep., will take place on Sunday 3rd June after 11.00am Mass.
RECENT COFFEE MORNING to support the forthcoming Catholic Student- Teachers’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has been a huge success. So far, the proceeds from the Coffee Morning (+ more recent donations) have raised £ 505 for the project organised by Marc Rennie. Thanks, and well done all!
BISHOP JOHN sends his thanks and assurances of prayers to all who made the pastoral visit such an uplifting and memorable occasion last weekend. He was touched by your prayerfulness, participation and welcome. St Fillan’s church, liturgy, garden and its shrine were all beautifully prepared, looking at their very best. Even the sun shone. Thanks to one and all.
CONGRATULATIONS to the boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Thanks again, to all those who, often in the background, give generously of their time and talents. Deo gratias. The sun is shining brightly, once more, in this the month of Mary, the lovely month of May!