6th Sunday of Easter, 22nd May 2022
St Fillan’s, Houston
The Bulletin
6th Sunday of Easter [C] 22nd May 2022
The Bulletin
6th Sunday of Easter [C] 22nd May 2022
- Vigil Mass (Saturdays) 5.00pm. 9.30 & 11am on Sundays.
- Weekdays: Tuesday - Friday at 9.30am.
- First Holy Communion Mass at 12noon on Saturday.
*ASCENSION THURSDAY (26th May) Holyday of Obligation *
Masses at 9.30 &11.00am (Primary School) and in the evening, 7.00pm.
Friday: Rosary 9.10am.
Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation. Saturday 10.00am, again at 4.30pm on Saturday & after the Vigil Mass.
NEXT SUNDAY: Special Collection for the Bishops’ Communications Fund.
Your prayers, please, for those in our parish family who are ILL: Dorothy (Dolly Cameron) Michael McCabe, Tony Gallacher and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
DIED: Margaret Butler (Crosslee) Requiem Mass on Wednesday 1st June at 9.30am , .John Rice, Betty McAulay (Canada) and Fr Andrew Coleman (St Peter’s Glenburn)
ANNIVERSARY: Robert Hadden, Sarah Doherty, Canon Martin Doherty, Fr Jim Byers, and Fr Ferdinand Tritschler (Former PP of St Fillan’s) grant them eternal rest, Lord.
DIED: Margaret Butler (Crosslee) Requiem Mass on Wednesday 1st June at 9.30am , .John Rice, Betty McAulay (Canada) and Fr Andrew Coleman (St Peter’s Glenburn)
ANNIVERSARY: Robert Hadden, Sarah Doherty, Canon Martin Doherty, Fr Jim Byers, and Fr Ferdinand Tritschler (Former PP of St Fillan’s) grant them eternal rest, Lord.
BISHOP JOHN WILL LEAD THE FINAL MAY DEVOTIONS 2022: Rosary, Benediction and Garden Procession to the Lourdes Shrine this Wednesday (25th) evening at 7.00pm. Please make a special effort to be participate and pray with and for our Bishop.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO CARFIN: today (Sunday 22nd May) at 3pm. All welcome.
CONGRATULATIONS to BRODIE KEVIN RYAN and MOLLY ANNA MACPHEE, both recently baptised in St Fillan’s, and to their proud parents and families.
PLATINUM JUBILEE VILLAGE CELEBRATION: on Friday 3rd June, following the Joint-Service in Houston-Killellan Church at 12noon, there will be a whole village social event in our (St Fillan’s) garden between 1.00pm – 4.00pm. ALL INVITED.
SAFEGURDING TRAINING PART TWO: volunteers concerned should register for one of these training evenings. Either by email safeguarding@rcdop.org.uk or telephone booking on 0141 847 6138. Options are - Tue 31 May at St John’s Hall, Port Glasgow or Saturday 10 Sept at St Mirin’s Cathedral Hall at 10.30am
During the month of May we are asked to entrust our lives, needs and our world, once more, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Remember to pray the Rosary. Pray for all receiving the Sacraments next week. Join in Wednesday’s May Devotions with Bishop John if you can. AMcF
CONGRATULATIONS to BRODIE KEVIN RYAN and MOLLY ANNA MACPHEE, both recently baptised in St Fillan’s, and to their proud parents and families.
PLATINUM JUBILEE VILLAGE CELEBRATION: on Friday 3rd June, following the Joint-Service in Houston-Killellan Church at 12noon, there will be a whole village social event in our (St Fillan’s) garden between 1.00pm – 4.00pm. ALL INVITED.
SAFEGURDING TRAINING PART TWO: volunteers concerned should register for one of these training evenings. Either by email safeguarding@rcdop.org.uk or telephone booking on 0141 847 6138. Options are - Tue 31 May at St John’s Hall, Port Glasgow or Saturday 10 Sept at St Mirin’s Cathedral Hall at 10.30am
During the month of May we are asked to entrust our lives, needs and our world, once more, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Remember to pray the Rosary. Pray for all receiving the Sacraments next week. Join in Wednesday’s May Devotions with Bishop John if you can. AMcF