6 th Sunday of Year, 12 th February 2023

6 th Sunday of Year, 12 th February 2023

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 and 11.00am Holy Mass on Sunday.

Requiem Masses this week all at 9.30am. On Monday (Lydia Reilly RIP)

On Tuesday (Derek Millar RIP) and on Friday (John McGeachie RIP)

Monday 20th Feb (Rosemary Meighan RIP) & Friday 24th Feb (Archie John Macdonald RIP)

Weekday Mass: Thursday at 9.30am. Rosary at 9.10am

Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation this week on Friday between 7.00 –
7.30pm and again on Saturday at from 4.30 - 4.45pm and after Vigil Mass.

TODAY – Special Collection for SPRED.

COMMITMENT MASS at 11.00am Mass next Sunday (19 th February) for P7 girls and boys
who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

ASH WEDNESDAY: Lent begins in ten days’ time on 22 nd February.

SCIAF LENTEN BOXES will be available from next Sunday.

SCIAF is massively supporting the disaster relief effort in Turkey and Syria.

Many people there, urgently need our help. Donations best given via www.sciaf.org.uk ,
then Appeal - Syria-Turkiye Earthquake.

A donations-bucket is also placed at the sacristy door in support of SCIAF’s work.

ILL: Paul Kearney and Rosemary McInally and for all who have asked for our prayers in the
parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes,
including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless
them with your grace.

RECENTLY DECEASED: Lydia Reilly, Derek Millar, John McGeachie, Rosemary Meighan,
Archie John Macdonald, Claire McPhee (Thornliebank) Joan Collins (Cheltenham) Dr Len
Boleslav Indyk and Cecilia Macdonald (Howwood)

ANNIVERSARIES: John Tiffen, Olive Kalinowska, Longin Kalinowski, Joe McFadden, Fr
Patrick B Moloney and Canon Thomas Jamieson, - grant them eternal rest, Lord.
ROME 2023: meeting for this September’s proposed parish-pilgrimage will take place in the
Hall (upstairs)on Thursday 23 rd February at 7.30pm. All interested are invited to attend, hear
what is proposed by the tour-operator and discuss further.

LENT RETREAT: The Ignatian Spirituality Centre will again this year offer an online Lent
Retreat and provide free App/free booklets required. Retreat details and how to get these
booklets can be seen here: https://www.iscglasgow.co.uk/lent23.html
View the Retreat on www.onlineprayer.net/saints)