5th Sunday of Year (B) 4 th February 2024

5th Sunday of Year (B) 4 th February 2024

St Fillan’s Houston The Bulletin

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Rosary (Tuesday to Friday) at 9.10am, except when Requiem Mass occurs that day.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Maisie Reed, Eileen Reynolds, Paul
Kearney - their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in
mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Liam Quirke (Co. Tipperary)
ANNIVERSARIES: Andrew Parsons, Archie MacDonald, Jean Millar, Kathleen
Allison, Gerard McPeake, Canon Tom Jamieson and Canon Harry Mooney - grant them
eternal rest Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION today for Building Fund.
SPRED: special collection next weekend. This collection, on the Feast Day of Our Lady of
Lourdes, will help fund the great work SPRED does for our parishioners with special needs,
helping them understand and celebrate their faith. THANK YOU, in anticipation, for
your prayers and continued financial support.
SAVE THE DATE. A Fundraiser Clothing Sale for St Fillan’s Church Building- Works’ Fund
will take place on Sunday 3rd March at 2pm at St Conval’s Hall in Linwood (adjacent to the
church) Tickets and more information, etc., to follow.
GO, LOOK & SEE 2: the first of a number of opportunities to participate in a guided-
walkabout of some of the major areas of concern in our buildings, requiring in some areas,
urgent renovation, took place on Friday morning. It was well attended. A further second
opportunity is available this Wednesday (7 th February) evening at 6.30pm, especially for
those who are unable to attend during the working-day. Thank you for your continued
support and generosity.
DIOCESAN CHOIR Rehearsals for the Chrism Mass will begin shortly. These take place on
Thursday evenings. There will be an initial workshop for all new members wishing to join.
This will take place on this Thursday, 8 th February, from 6.30-8.00pm, in St Mirin’s Cathedral.
If you are interested in joining, please contact the Diocesan Director of Music, Michael
Hepburn. director.music@rcdop.org.uk
Novena of Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes - 3 rd – 11 th February.
Mary, you appeared to Bernadette in the hollow of the rock.
In the cold and darkness of winter, You brought the warmth, the light and the beauty of a
presence. In the hollow of our dark lives, in the hollow of the world where Evil is
powerful, bring us hope, restore our trust!
You, who are the Immaculate Conception, come to the aid of the sinners that we are.

Give us the humility of conversion, the courage of penance. Teach us to pray for all
people. Guide us to the sources of real life. Make us pilgrims in action within your
Church. Increase in us a hunger for the Eucharist, the bread for the journey, the bread of
life. In you, Mary, the Holy Spirit works wonders: by his power he set you close to the
Father, in the glory of your Son, alive forever. Look with tenderness on the miseries of
our bodies and our hearts. Shine for all, like a soft light, at the hour of our death.
With Bernadette, we pray to you, Mary, with the simplicity of children. Let us, like her,
enter into the spirit of the Beatitudes. Then, from here below, we can begin to know the
joy of the Kingdom and sing with you: Magnificat! Glory to you, Virgin Mary, happy
servant of the Lord, Mother of God, home of the Holy Spirit! (Benedict XVI)
Remember Lent begins very soon. Ash Wednesday is on 14 th February this
year. In ten days’ time we begin our journey towards Holy Week and Easter.
Get ready for action.