5th Sunday of Year, 5th February 2023
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 and 11.00am Holy Mass on Sunday.
Weekdays: Holy Mass this week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday morning at 9.30am. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Thursday morning from 9.10am – 10.00am. Beginning with the Rosary at 9.10am.
Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation this week on Friday between 7.00 – 7.30pm and again on Saturday at from 4.30 - 4.45pm and after Vigil Mass.
TODAY – Special Collection for Building Fund after Holy Communion.
COMMITMENT MASS at 11.00am Mass today for P4 girls and boys with who are preparing for the sacraments: Reconciliation & First Holy Communion.
ASH WEDNESDAY: Lent begins, two weeks on Wednesday, 22nd February.
ILL: Paul Kearney and for all who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.
RECENTLY DECEASED: Lydia Reilly, Derek Millar, John McGeachie, Rosemary Meighan, Kenneth McCormick (Partick) and Harry Devine
ANNIVERSARIES: Tony Brady, Gerard McPeake, John McAnulty, Andrew Parsons, Ellen Rodden, Katheen Allison and Canon Brendan Healy- grant them eternal rest, Lord.
SPRED Special Second Collection – next Sunday 13th February 2022. The Paisley Diocese SPRED offers people with learning disabilities: a personal friend who takes time to share life and faith, spiritual nurture in a small community of faith; and a sense of belonging to a parish community. Twenty-one SPRED groups meet in the SPRED Centre, our church halls and special needs schools, allowing two hundred parishioners to come together in faith and friendship to share and experience God’s love. Paisley SPRED supports three employees. In SPRED I feel that I belong and everyone is my friend. To donate to SPRED, you can visit the My Giving Hub at www.shorturl.at/JO578 and click ‘donate’ under the SPRED logo. Thanking you.
Paisley Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from 30th June until 7th July 2023. The Pilgrimage is open to all. To book, telephone Tangney Tours 01732 886666. Those wishing to participate as an adult volunteer are asked to attend a meeting of the Lourdes Hospitalite on Wednesday 15th February at 7pm in St Ninian’s, Gourock to complete all necessary documentation. Please contact Anne Louise on 01475 638132 for more info.