5th Sunday of Easter (B) 28th April 2024

5th Sunday of Easter (B) 28th April 2024

St Fillan’s Houston The Bulletin

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9.30am. On Friday at 7pm.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Rosary: before weekday Mass at 9.10am. May is the Our Blessed Lady’s month.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Ryan Mulholland, Maisie Reed,
Fr Neil Sharp and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes
and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Gerard Chambers, John Brown and Fr Des Broderick.
ANNIVERSARIES: Bruce Breckenridge, John Allison, Canon John McIntyre and Fr Tom
Berry CF (Army Chaplain) - grant them eternal rest, Lord.
COFFEE MORNING: this Sunday - for Restoration Fund will be held in side chapel after the
11am Mass – please try to attend and support this Coffee Morning and Raffle. If you are
one who normally attends the 5pm Vigil or 9.30am make an extra special effort to attend. I
sense this is a real opportunity to continue to pull-together for the restoration work of our little
FIRST FRIDAY MASS FOR LIFE: Bishop John will visit St Fillan’s on Friday evening and
will celebrate a diocesan Pro-Life Mass in in St Fillan’s at 7pm. This Mass will be preceded
by a silent hour of prayer, preparation for Mass: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
beginning at 6pm. Mass will begin at 7pm and will conclude with a May Marian Procession
to the Garden Lourdes Grotto. There will be an opportunity for social- reception in the
garden afterwards (weather permitting) to welcome our bishop and visitors to the village that
PETITION forms in support of the St Fillan’s Restoration Project: thank you to those who
have completed and returned them. If you are still to do so some are still available both in
paper version at the main door and in the online formats. Please ensure that these petition
forms receive maximum support in among your families, neighbours and local community
and are all completed and returned by next weekend.

SPECIAL COLLECTION for Building Fund next weekend.
BUILDING UPDATE: more extensive (and heavy) work was undertaken up in hall last week.
Well done, Advanced Preservation team. The lintels are now completed and are now ready
to receive the new windows next month. The main focus last week was removing/cutting out
and replacing the old joists, the rotted wood floor beams in the hall. This delicate and
important task will continue next week. We are moving forward: steady as she goes.
The month of May begins on Wednesday – the month of Our Blessed Lady. Star of the Sea: pray for us.