5th Sunday of Easter (A) 7th May 2023
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30am
First Holy Communion: this Saturday, 13 May, at 10.00am.
Month of May: Rosary before all weekday Masses. Procession into Mary’s
Garden and the Shrine after the Vigil & Sunday Masses (weather permitting)
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at
4.30pm, and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Lorraine Wagstaff,
Paul Kearney, David Crewes, their carers, those in hospital and residential
homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially
those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Sheena Wright and Bishop Christopher Budd (Plymouth)
ANNIVERSARIES: Stevie McLean, Mary McCready and Olga McGlade.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION today is for the St Fillan’s Building Fund. This
collection takes place on the first Sunday of every month. Last week’s
Vocation’s Sunday Special Collection raised £595.01 for our seminaries and
the formation of the priests of the future. Thank you for your generosity.
COFFEE MORNING after the 11o’clock Mass last Sunday, to support the
forthcoming Catholic Student-Teachers’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, was a great
success. Thanks to all who worked hard to make it such an enjoyable occasion for
the parish, to get-together socially, and to raise £200 for the project. Well done all.
HOWWOOD: vigil, in honour of Our Lady of Fatima, begins this Friday at 7.00pm.
WELCOME BISHOP JOHN: on this Coronation Day we welcome Bishop John
Keenan to St Fillan’s on the occasion of his pastoral visit. He will join us for the
celebration of all our Masses this weekend. He looks forward to meeting as many of
you as possible afterwards. Please, pray for Bishop John, our diocese and our
parish family. Pray, also for our newly crowned king of our United Kingdom and the
Commonwealth. May these auspicious days may be blessed with much joy and
many graces.
As we begin the month of May, the month of Our Blessed Lady, we entrust to her
those boys and girls who will be receiving First Holy Communion next Saturday
and those celebrating Confirmation later in the month. Your prayers for all those
involved are appreciated, and remember also our young people sitting important
examinations at this time of year. Perhaps take a walk into our adjacent Mary’s
Garden/Shrine to do so. This is indeed a place of beauty, prayer and peace and at
its very best in this late spring time – Eastertide and May.
We entrust this busy month to the Loving Heart of the Risen Christ, the Good
Shepherd and King of Kings.
Our Lady, Queen and Mother: pray for us. St Fillan: pray for us. AMcF
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30am
First Holy Communion: this Saturday, 13 May, at 10.00am.
Month of May: Rosary before all weekday Masses. Procession into Mary’s
Garden and the Shrine after the Vigil & Sunday Masses (weather permitting)
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at
4.30pm, and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Lorraine Wagstaff,
Paul Kearney, David Crewes, their carers, those in hospital and residential
homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially
those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Sheena Wright and Bishop Christopher Budd (Plymouth)
ANNIVERSARIES: Stevie McLean, Mary McCready and Olga McGlade.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION today is for the St Fillan’s Building Fund. This
collection takes place on the first Sunday of every month. Last week’s
Vocation’s Sunday Special Collection raised £595.01 for our seminaries and
the formation of the priests of the future. Thank you for your generosity.
COFFEE MORNING after the 11o’clock Mass last Sunday, to support the
forthcoming Catholic Student-Teachers’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, was a great
success. Thanks to all who worked hard to make it such an enjoyable occasion for
the parish, to get-together socially, and to raise £200 for the project. Well done all.
HOWWOOD: vigil, in honour of Our Lady of Fatima, begins this Friday at 7.00pm.
WELCOME BISHOP JOHN: on this Coronation Day we welcome Bishop John
Keenan to St Fillan’s on the occasion of his pastoral visit. He will join us for the
celebration of all our Masses this weekend. He looks forward to meeting as many of
you as possible afterwards. Please, pray for Bishop John, our diocese and our
parish family. Pray, also for our newly crowned king of our United Kingdom and the
Commonwealth. May these auspicious days may be blessed with much joy and
many graces.
As we begin the month of May, the month of Our Blessed Lady, we entrust to her
those boys and girls who will be receiving First Holy Communion next Saturday
and those celebrating Confirmation later in the month. Your prayers for all those
involved are appreciated, and remember also our young people sitting important
examinations at this time of year. Perhaps take a walk into our adjacent Mary’s
Garden/Shrine to do so. This is indeed a place of beauty, prayer and peace and at
its very best in this late spring time – Eastertide and May.
We entrust this busy month to the Loving Heart of the Risen Christ, the Good
Shepherd and King of Kings.
Our Lady, Queen and Mother: pray for us. St Fillan: pray for us. AMcF