4th Sunday of Lent (A) “Laetare” 19th March 2023

4th Sunday of Lent (A) “Laetare” 19th March 2023

Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday Mass.

Children’s Liturgy during 11.00am Mass, each Sunday throughout Lent.

Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30am

Requiem Mass: Wednesday at 9.30am – Daniel McDonald RIP (Bridge of Weir)

Exposition of Most Blessed Sacrament on Thursday 8.30-9.30am

Stations of the Cross: Friday 9.10am.

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm,
and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.

Your prayers, please, for all in our parish family who are in need

Paul Kearney and James Dever, their carers, those in hospital and our local residential
homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone at
this time: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.

DIED: Mary McGarvey, Rosemary McInally, John Morrow and Molly Wilson.

ANNIVERSARIES: Drew Wilson, James Meighan, Moyra Rodden, Fr John Heffernan and
Canon Patrick Crean. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.

SPECIAL COLLECTION: today for SCIAF and the Diocesan (local) St Mirin’s Fund.

Final Lenten Catechesis: Next Sunday 26th March, Bishop McGee of Argyll & the
Isles will reflect on Jesus and Lazarus. St Mirin’s Cathedral (Paisley) from 2 - 4pm.
Parish Finance Gift Aid collection envelopes for new Financial Year (2023-24) will be
delivered to appropriate postal addresses in early in April. In addition, we have a
small/limited supply of non-Gift Aid envelopes. These boxed-sets will be displayed at the

rear/side door of the church from Saturday (25th March) and available for uplift on a ‘first-
come...’ basis. As we approach the new Financial Year, please give some further thought to

increasing your financial support to the Parish by participating in Gift Aid scheme, where
every pound you contribute the Parish will receive a twenty-five pence further payment
from the Inland Revenue (HMRC). You can make your contributions using either the Gift
Aid envelope or the Bank Standing Order schemes. Please note to make Gift Aid
contributions you must complete a Gift Aid Declaration form and you must be a ‘tax payer’.
Easter Fund Raiser: next Sunday a pop-up Craft Stall will be opening with Easter gifts being
sold to raise funds for flowers and suitable decoration of the altar during Eastertide.
Special Appeal from Sr M. Frances for small devotional objects: medals, rosaries etc for her
mission-work. These can be placed in the box on table at front door of church. Thanks to those who
have already responded.
Lent: good numbers attended Stations of the Cross. Looking forward to SCIAF involvement
this weekend? Maybe time to (re) start? Lenten Penance? Prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Today is Laetare Sunday – be glad, at last, the new springtime of Easter is very near!