3rd Sunday of Year (B) “Word of God” 21st January 2024
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: Tuesday at 9.30am.
Rosary (Tuesday to Friday) at 9.10am, except when Requiem Mass occurs that day.
Octave of Prayer for the Unity of Christians ends on Thursday 25 th January: “You
shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27) Go and do
likewise - is the prayer intention, chosen theme, for 2024.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds and Paul Kearney -
their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and
body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Eddie Doyle and Kathleen Hamilton.
ANNIVERSARIES: Rosemary Meighan, Sadie McLean, Annie & Frank Mulholland,
Elizabeth Mulholland, Charles Mulholland, Jim, Tom & Karen Wilkinson, John Degnan
and Canon James M Lillis - grant them eternal rest Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION today for the Sick & Retired Priests of the Diocese.
SAINT FILLAN’S FEAST DAY was suitably celebrated both in the church and in the
school on Friday. Despite the very severe weather some of you braved the icy roads to
attend the Feast Day Mass. Well done to the boys and girls in the school who prepared and
delivered wonderful prayers, readings and even a historical presentation on St Fillan. It was,
indeed, a beautiful meditation on our parish patron saint as a heroic example of vocation and
mission lived out in our own area and throughout Scotland, and of one whose intercession
as our patron continues to be felt among us in the faith and community life of the church in
Strathgryffe. Thanks to Mrs McKenzie, the staff and the parents who attended for all their
help and support and for the gift of the beautiful bromeliad plant now placed before St
Fillan’s altar.
CHURCH SPECIAL WORKS FUND: many thanks for your all recent donations including a
gift of £1000 from a former pupil of St Fillan’s School. More details next week, on those
forthcoming necessary special works, beginning on our buildings after winter, when the
weather finally improves.
YOUNG ADULTS: The ‘Covenants’ series continues with a presentation from Fr Ryan Black. He will
explore God’s covenant with David. Aged 18-35? Come along: learn more about your Faith and meet
other young Catholics. The talk begins at 7pm in the Diocesan Office, this Wednesday 7 th February. It
will end with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, followed by an opportunity to socialise. Email Fr
Ryan for more info. (ryan.black@rcdop.org.uk) and be added to their new WhatsApp group, should
you wish.
Weekday Mass: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.30am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: Tuesday at 9.30am.
Rosary (Tuesday to Friday) at 9.10am, except when Requiem Mass occurs that day.
Octave of Prayer for the Unity of Christians ends on Thursday 25 th January: “You
shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27) Go and do
likewise - is the prayer intention, chosen theme, for 2024.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds and Paul Kearney -
their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and
body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Eddie Doyle and Kathleen Hamilton.
ANNIVERSARIES: Rosemary Meighan, Sadie McLean, Annie & Frank Mulholland,
Elizabeth Mulholland, Charles Mulholland, Jim, Tom & Karen Wilkinson, John Degnan
and Canon James M Lillis - grant them eternal rest Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION today for the Sick & Retired Priests of the Diocese.
SAINT FILLAN’S FEAST DAY was suitably celebrated both in the church and in the
school on Friday. Despite the very severe weather some of you braved the icy roads to
attend the Feast Day Mass. Well done to the boys and girls in the school who prepared and
delivered wonderful prayers, readings and even a historical presentation on St Fillan. It was,
indeed, a beautiful meditation on our parish patron saint as a heroic example of vocation and
mission lived out in our own area and throughout Scotland, and of one whose intercession
as our patron continues to be felt among us in the faith and community life of the church in
Strathgryffe. Thanks to Mrs McKenzie, the staff and the parents who attended for all their
help and support and for the gift of the beautiful bromeliad plant now placed before St
Fillan’s altar.
CHURCH SPECIAL WORKS FUND: many thanks for your all recent donations including a
gift of £1000 from a former pupil of St Fillan’s School. More details next week, on those
forthcoming necessary special works, beginning on our buildings after winter, when the
weather finally improves.
YOUNG ADULTS: The ‘Covenants’ series continues with a presentation from Fr Ryan Black. He will
explore God’s covenant with David. Aged 18-35? Come along: learn more about your Faith and meet
other young Catholics. The talk begins at 7pm in the Diocesan Office, this Wednesday 7 th February. It
will end with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, followed by an opportunity to socialise. Email Fr
Ryan for more info. (ryan.black@rcdop.org.uk) and be added to their new WhatsApp group, should
you wish.