3rd Sunday of Easter,1st May 2022
Vigil Mass (Saturdays) 5.00pm. 9.30 & 11am on Sundays.
Weekdays: Tuesday at 7.30pm. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am.
MAY DEVOTIONS: Wednesday at 7.00pm
Thursday: Adoration of Most Blessed Sacrament- 9.00 -9.30am.
Friday: Rosary 9.10am.
Confessions: Sacrament of Reconciliation. Saturday 4.30pm and after Vigil Mass.
NEXT SUNDAY: Vocations Sunday. Special Collection for Seminary Students.
Your prayers, please, for those in our parish family who are
ILL: Dorothy (Dolly Cameron) Michael McCabe, Tony Gallacher and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
DIED: Gerry McEwan (Requiem Mass, Friday 6th May at 11am) Olga McGlade (Requiem Mass, Wednesday [week] 11th May at 9.30am)
ANNIVERSARIES: James & Maisie Doherty, Mary Doherty, William Miller and Mgr Neil C McGrory VG - grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
MAY DEVOTIONS: Rosary, Benediction and Garden Procession to the Lourdes Shrine this Wednesday, 4 May at 7pm. Please take a petition leaflet, return it on Wednesday evening.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO CARFIN: Sunday 22nd May. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at 3pm followed by the Rosary Procession which will take place at 5.30pm. Catering facilities are available at the shrine. All welcome.
CONGRATULATIONS to Molly Grace Farren of Weirs Wynd, Brookfield, baptised on 30th April and to her parents, big sister and all the family. A most joyous occasion.
REMEMBER to pray for those preparing for First Holy Communion this coming 14th & 27th May. A moment of grace in the lives of our children, families and parish.
Safeguarding Training PART ONE Church
Volunteers on Wednesday 11th May at 10.30am in the Diocesan Offices, Incle Street, Paisley, PA1 1HR. As part of the safe recruitment procedures for the Catholic Church in Scotland, new volunteers undertaking regulated work should complete an application form for their role, apply to become a member of the PVG scheme and attend Safeguarding Part One Training. If you would like to attend this training session, please contact SarahJane Colhoun on 0141 847 6138 or safeguardingadmin@rcdop.org.uk
As we begin the month of Mary we entrust our lives, our needs and our world, once more, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Remember to pray the Rosary and join in Wednesday’s May Devotions, if you can.