2nd Sunday of Easter (B) Divine Mercy Sunday 7th April 2024
St Fillan’s Houston The Bulletin
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00am.
Friday: Requiem Mass for Bill McGown RIP at 1200 noon.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Rosary: Wednesday and Thursday at 9.40am.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Ryan Mulholland,Maisie Reed,
Fr Neil Sharp and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Robert Lowrie, Sylvia McCourt and Bill McGown,
ANNIVERSARIES: William McDonnell, Fr Albert Chandler and Canon John McElroy - grant them eternal rest, Lord.
SPECIAL COLLECTION for Building Fund at Mass today (First Sunday of Month)
RESTORATION OF CHURCH: works continued this week. Advanced Preservation – specialists in dry and wet rot, have stripped out several tons of damaged lath and plaster from the parish hall so that the preservation treatment, including joists, andthe rebuild of the walls and windows in the upper level can proceed in due course. Your donations are appreciated - now also via the QR Code. Please remember to Gift Aid your donation, if you can.
PETITION: several sources of grants for our historic building are being pursued. From each one it is already clear that the grant-bodies require wide support in the local community - evidenced via petitioning - for any grant funding of renovation projects. Therefore, petition forms in support of the St Fillan’s Restoration Project are now available both in paper version and online format - available from next we Please ensure that these petition forms receive maximum support in the local community, are completedand returned by end of April.
You can donate to our Building Restoration via this QR code.
Annual Easter Mass in St Conval’s Cemetery, Barrheadtoday, Sunday, at 2pm.
Divine Mercy Sunday: also, today in in St Francis Church, Port Glasgow (PA14 9JD) devotions and prayers in honour of the Divine Mercy of the Risen Lord. These will begin at 2pm and conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 3.45pm
We continue to celebrate the Easter Octave on this Divine Mercy Sunday: may the grace and mercy, peace and joy of the Risen Lord be with you all. AMcF
Main Street, Houston, PA6 7EL
Tel: 01505612046 email: stfillan@rcdop.org.uk
Scottish Charity Number SC013514