26th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) 1 st October 2023
Month of the Rosary: prayer for the Synod and Mission of Church.
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at 9.30am.
First Friday Mass (with St Fillan’s School) on Friday at 9.30am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm,
and again immediately after Vigil Mass on request.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds, Paul Kearney, Guy Whaley,
Joe & Anne McDade: their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the
staff, and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and
RECENTLY DIED: Marie Maguire, John Jones, Fulton Love & Hugh McCormack.
ANNIVERSARIES: Mary Brownridge and Fr Patrick Rice (Parish Priest, St Fillan’s, 1959-
1961) grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
REBUILD-FUND: a young dad and parishioner of St Fillan’s will take part in the Great
Scottish Run, this Sunday (October) to help raise funds for those urgent building works
which soon need to be carried out on our much-loved church. Can you sponsor Brendan
Farren in his charitable initiative? This can be done digitally via JUST GIVING -
We wish Brendan all the very best in the Big Glasgow10k for St Fillan’s.
SAFEGUARDING: annual address by our Safeguarding Coordinator at the conclusion of
Mass today. New Safeguarding Course for all church volunteers. Training date available:
Saturday 7th October, at 10am at St Mirin’s Cathedral Hall, Paisley. Please endeavour to
attend above, if required. Thank you for your continued commitment. October Thought:
reflect on what care and compassion we show and the protection and healing we offer
to those who have survived abuse.
SPECIAL COLLECTION: Building Fund today at Mass (each first Sunday of month)
SVdP: Thank you for your continued support of the work of SVdP Conference in St Fillan’s.
However, more active members are required to cover increased work in-hand. Please
consider supporting our parish SVdP Conference in this way: the compassion of Christ in
PRO LIFE: will you fast and pray every First Friday for Life? Bishop John invites you to work
and pray to protect the unborn child and also for the flourishing of the Pro-Life movement
Join your priests throughout the diocese on the First Friday of each month as we pray for
life! To begin our next Novena of Masses for Life, Bishop John will offer Holy Mass in St
Mirin's Cathedral, Paisley on Friday, 6th October, 7pm; Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
& Confessions precedes Mass, from 6pm.
ALTAR FLOWERS: more volunteers/help required - please consider volunteering around
one hour per month to support Sr Mary Frances in continuing to ensure the high standard of
floral arrangements around the church. Thanks to those who do so already.
Remember, October is the Month of the Rosary: join-in that prayer before each weekday Mass.