25th Sunday in Ordinary Time,  18th September 2022

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18th September 2022

  • Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 and 11.00am Mass on Sunday.  
  • Weekdays: Holy Mass: this week, on Monday and Tuesday at 9.30am.  
  • Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation at 4.30pm on Saturdays.
  • Rosary: before each weekday Mass (except when a Requiem Mass is scheduled)
  • Thursday: St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist.
  • Friday: Memoria of St Padre Pio, Capuchin Franciscan priest (+1968)

THANK YOU: the Special Collection for Vocations (Church Students’ Fund) last week realised £434.32 - much appreciated.

ILL: Dolly Cameron, Michael McCabe, Tony Gallacher, Mauro Mancini and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.  

DIED: Con O’Donovan (West Cork) Frank Gallagher (Greenock) Sr Euphrasia Regan RNDM and HM The Queen, Elizabeth II.

ANNIVERSARY: Geraldine Doherty, May Kerr and Fr James Morrow - grant them eternal rest, Lord.  

SVdP: Annual Financial Statement now on Parish Website. Thanks for continued generosity


YOUNG ADULTS (18-30) next talk of series, ‘Mary, Most Holy, ‘by Bishop John Keenan, on Wednesday 28th September, at 7pm, in St Mirin’s Cathedral. This will be followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity to socialise on conclusion.

***National Pilgrimage to Carfin at 3pm on Sunday 25th September (Relics of St Bernadette)  

Youth to Lourdes Pilgrimage 2023 (29th June - 7th July) details from Fr Andrew.                                                                                                                                           

Have a much-blessed week.