2 nd Sunday of Year (B) 14 th January 2024
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Wednesday at 9.30am.
Requiem Mass for Josie Hart RIP on Thursday at 9.30am.
School Mass: in church for St Fillan’s Feast Day (19 th Jan) at 9.30am All welcome.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: Tuesday at 9.30am.
Rosary (Tuesday to Friday) at 9.10am, except when Requiem Mass occurs that day.
Octave of Prayer for the Unity of Christians begins on Thursday18th January: “You
shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27) Go and do
likewise - is the prayer intention, chosen theme, for 2024.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds and Paul Kearney -
their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and
body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Josie Hart, Billy Shaw, Paul Fulton and Lorna Bell.
ANNIVERSARIES: Angela Adams (Logue) Cathie Gallacher, Michael McGowan, Sophia
McDougal, Canon Benedict O’Keeffe and Archbishop Philip Tartaglia - grant them eternal
rest Lord.
SAFEGUARDING TRAINING 2024: both Parts (I and II) now combined, available this Tuesday, 16 th
January, at 7.00pm in St Mirin’s, Cathedral Hall, Paisley.
FAREWELL and ADIEU to the Reverend Gary Noonan, Minister of Houston Killellan Church, a great
friend to us here in St Fillan’s, who conducts his last service today in the kirk before moving “across
the Pond” to take up a new charge as pastor of Kirkwood First Presbyterian Church, Missouri, at the
beginning of February. Personally, I’ll miss him greatly. Gary has been a very good neighbour, true
friend and colleague since the very first day I moved into Houston village, and the old house,
Abbotsfield, following my twenty-two years in the Royal Navy. We kept each other going during the
long days of the Covid- Pandemic with regular village walks together and much banter too.
Afterwards, we held a number of joint initiatives, perhaps the most memorable being the hugely
successful Jubilee Garden Party at St Fillan’s for Her (late) Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Following the
11am Mass today, I am invited down to the Kirk for the farewell reception from the congregation. On
your behalf, I will express your thanks and good wishes to Reverend Gary, dear Ruth and their sons,
Robbie and Gregor: God-speed, every blessing in your new life and mission in the United States.
YOUNG ADULTS: The ‘Covenants’ series continues with a presentation from Fr Ryan Black. He will
explore God’s covenant with David. Aged 18-35? Come along: learn more about your Faith and meet
other young Catholics. The talk begins at 7pm in the Diocesan Office, this Wednesday 10th January.
It will end with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, followed by an opportunity to socialise. Email Fr
Ryan for more info. (ryan.black@rcdop.org.uk) and be added to their new WhatsApp group, should
you wish.
Weekday Mass: Wednesday at 9.30am.
Requiem Mass for Josie Hart RIP on Thursday at 9.30am.
School Mass: in church for St Fillan’s Feast Day (19 th Jan) at 9.30am All welcome.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: Tuesday at 9.30am.
Rosary (Tuesday to Friday) at 9.10am, except when Requiem Mass occurs that day.
Octave of Prayer for the Unity of Christians begins on Thursday18th January: “You
shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself” (Lk 10:27) Go and do
likewise - is the prayer intention, chosen theme, for 2024.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Eileen Reynolds and Paul Kearney -
their carers, those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and
body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
RECENTLY DIED: Josie Hart, Billy Shaw, Paul Fulton and Lorna Bell.
ANNIVERSARIES: Angela Adams (Logue) Cathie Gallacher, Michael McGowan, Sophia
McDougal, Canon Benedict O’Keeffe and Archbishop Philip Tartaglia - grant them eternal
rest Lord.
SAFEGUARDING TRAINING 2024: both Parts (I and II) now combined, available this Tuesday, 16 th
January, at 7.00pm in St Mirin’s, Cathedral Hall, Paisley.
FAREWELL and ADIEU to the Reverend Gary Noonan, Minister of Houston Killellan Church, a great
friend to us here in St Fillan’s, who conducts his last service today in the kirk before moving “across
the Pond” to take up a new charge as pastor of Kirkwood First Presbyterian Church, Missouri, at the
beginning of February. Personally, I’ll miss him greatly. Gary has been a very good neighbour, true
friend and colleague since the very first day I moved into Houston village, and the old house,
Abbotsfield, following my twenty-two years in the Royal Navy. We kept each other going during the
long days of the Covid- Pandemic with regular village walks together and much banter too.
Afterwards, we held a number of joint initiatives, perhaps the most memorable being the hugely
successful Jubilee Garden Party at St Fillan’s for Her (late) Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Following the
11am Mass today, I am invited down to the Kirk for the farewell reception from the congregation. On
your behalf, I will express your thanks and good wishes to Reverend Gary, dear Ruth and their sons,
Robbie and Gregor: God-speed, every blessing in your new life and mission in the United States.
YOUNG ADULTS: The ‘Covenants’ series continues with a presentation from Fr Ryan Black. He will
explore God’s covenant with David. Aged 18-35? Come along: learn more about your Faith and meet
other young Catholics. The talk begins at 7pm in the Diocesan Office, this Wednesday 10th January.
It will end with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, followed by an opportunity to socialise. Email Fr
Ryan for more info. (ryan.black@rcdop.org.uk) and be added to their new WhatsApp group, should
you wish.