1st Sunday of Lent , 26th February 2023
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday Mass. Children’s Liturgy at 11.00 Mass. Weekday Mass: Tuesday -Friday - 9.30am
Exposition of Most Blessed Sacrament. Thursday 8.30-9.30am
Stations of the Cross: Friday 9.10am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm and again immediately after Vigil Mass.
Your prayers, please, for those in our parish family who are ILL: Rosemary McInally, Paul Kearney, Jim Dever and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
DIED: Martin Gilmartin, Mrs Reilly and Catherine Hemphill (Port Glasgow)
ANNIVERSARIES: William Stewart, Ronald McEachean, Michael Rodden, Patrick McAnulty and Fr Jeremiah O’Sullivan. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
Lenten Catechesis 2023: Jesus: The Source of Eternal Life. The diocese will be holding two Lenten talks to prepare us for the Easter. Again, this can be a worthwhile Lenten penance for those who are wondering what to do this year. Sunday 12th March, Third Sunday of Lent, Bishop High Gilbert of Aberdeen will reflect on Jesus and the Woman at the Well and on Sunday 26th March, Fifth Sunday of Lent, Bishop Brian McGee of Argyll and the Isles, will reflect on Jesus and Lazarus. Both beginning at 2pm and concluding at 4pm. As well as Bishops’ Catechesis there will be Testimony from Young People, Solemn Evening Prayer and Benediction with music led by our Diocesan Choir. Please note this Lenten gathering is an in-person event therefore the Livestream will not be available.
FIRST CONFESSION/ FIRST HOLY COMMUNION and CONFIRMATION 2023: the parent(s)of any child not attending St Fillan’s Primary but wishing their child to receive the sacraments later this year, are asked to see Fr Andrew in person, after Masses next Sunday (5th March) to assess preparation, progress and arrangements for the celebration of the sacraments. Weekly participation in person at Holy Mass is essential, indeed, now once more an obligation for all Catholics.
Lent is begun. Forty days of spiritual training. Prayer, fasting and charitable giving. The Ash Wednesday opening prayer well-summarises what our intention and resolve should be:
“Grant, O Lord, that we begin with holy fasting, this campaign of Christian service, so that we may take up battle against spiritual evils, we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint, through Christ our Lord. Amen.” Keep a good Lent!