14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 3rd July 2022
- Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. 9.30 and 11.00am Mass this Sunday.
- Mass at 11.00am at St Conval’s, Linwood, from 10th August 2022.
- Weekdays: Holy Mass - Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am.
- Confessions: Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation at 4.30pm on Saturdays.
TODAY: Special Collection – Building Fund (St Fillan’s) first Sunday of Month.
ILL: Dolly Cameron, Michael McCabe, Tony Gallacher, Mauro Mancini and for all those who have asked for our prayers in the parish family: those at home and their carers, those in hospital and residential homes, including the staff, and for all suffering in mind and body, especially those alone: Lord, bless them with your grace.
DIED: Nancy Dewar (Dunblane) Edward McGovern (Glasgow) Peter Tansey (Bucks.) John Trapp (Ormskirk)
ANNIVERSARY: Elaine Irvine, Frank Kerr, Jim McColl, Canon Joseph Sweeney and Fr Arthur Kilpatrick- grant them eternal rest, Lord.
Monday 4th July until Friday 19th August the following temporary schedule will apply at St Fillan’s, Houston and St Conval’s, Linwood:
Sat. Vigil St. Fillan’s 5.00pm St. Conval’s 6.00pm
Sunday St. Fillan’s 9:30am St. Conval’s 11.00am
Monday St. Conval’s 10.00am
Tuesday St. Fillan’s 9.30am
Thursday St. Fillan’s 9.30am
Friday St. Conval’s 10.00am
PRAYER REQUESTS for the following Sunday’s Mass (Anniversaries, etc.) should always be placed in a clearly marked envelope and then placed through the letterbox of Abbotsfield, the parochial house, before 9.00am on Saturdays, for inclusion in the parish announcements for prayers that weekend, over summer period. Thanks to those who already do so.
PRAYER FOR JULY: Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Next edition of The Bulletin on 21st August (Dv).
A restful summer to one and all! AMcF