26 th Sunday of Year (B) 29 th September
St Fillan’s Houston TheBulletin
2024 Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Mass at 9.30am.
October Rosary before each weekday Mass at 9.10am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Tony Brown, Bernadette McMurray Adrian
Murrell and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes. For
all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Ian McGale, Beth Love, Rose McGinness and Mgr Henry
ANNIVERSARIES: Guy Whaley, Helen & John Bowman, Mary Brownridge - grant them
eternal rest, Lord.
OCTOBER: month of the Holy Rosary. Rosary prayer before each weekday Mass. Our
Primary School, class by class, will be visiting our autumn garden and the grotto of Our Lady
of Lourdes to pray the rosary there during this month.
Novena in honour of Our Blessed Lady (Untier of Knots) and concluding with Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament continues in St Margaret’s, Johnstone, this Tuesday at 6,30pm. All
NEXT WEEKEND – Building Fund (monthly) Special Collection at all Masses.
FREE COFFEE MORNING: next Sunday, 6th October, after 11am Mass – a further
opportunity to continue to meet together socially and build on the success of the Garden
Fete. All welcome – no entrance charge or raffle on this occasion.
St Andrew’s Ceilidh Night – Houston Bowling Club, Saturday, 23 rd November -7pm
Our Second Fundraising Clothes Fashion Show – Sunday, 8th December - 1pm.
FIRST FRIDAYS MASS FOR LIFE at Holy Family Church, Port Glasgow, this Friday (4 th
Oct) at 7pm with Bishop John. Eucharistic Adoration, opportunity for Confession and silent
prayer for Pro Life from 6pm.
Annual Safeguarding Announcement will be read out at Masses next Sunday (6th October)
PAYA the national on-line system for making donations to parishes and charities has been withdrawn.
If you used this system for donations then please consider setting up regular payments via your online
banking directly to the parish going forward instead of via PAYAcharity. Details – see below.
Parishioners who did use this system will receive an email in the coming days explaining this change.
This government change also impacts on the old QR code which has been removed for the moment
within the church building. Once the new system is in place a new QR code will be issued to St
Fillan’s. In the meantime, your weekly offering donation can be made via electronic online banking
to St Fillan’s RC Church, Houston:
Sort Code: 80 – 05 – 82 Account Number: 00860233
Thank you for your continued generosity to the Restoration Fund, especially to the anonymous donor
of £1000 this week. Further restoration works in hall and stairway will resume shortly.
May St Michael, the Archangel, intercede for us all on this his feast-day. AMcF
2024 Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Mass at 9.30am.
October Rosary before each weekday Mass at 9.10am.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Tony Brown, Bernadette McMurray Adrian
Murrell and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes. For
all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Ian McGale, Beth Love, Rose McGinness and Mgr Henry
ANNIVERSARIES: Guy Whaley, Helen & John Bowman, Mary Brownridge - grant them
eternal rest, Lord.
OCTOBER: month of the Holy Rosary. Rosary prayer before each weekday Mass. Our
Primary School, class by class, will be visiting our autumn garden and the grotto of Our Lady
of Lourdes to pray the rosary there during this month.
Novena in honour of Our Blessed Lady (Untier of Knots) and concluding with Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament continues in St Margaret’s, Johnstone, this Tuesday at 6,30pm. All
NEXT WEEKEND – Building Fund (monthly) Special Collection at all Masses.
FREE COFFEE MORNING: next Sunday, 6th October, after 11am Mass – a further
opportunity to continue to meet together socially and build on the success of the Garden
Fete. All welcome – no entrance charge or raffle on this occasion.
St Andrew’s Ceilidh Night – Houston Bowling Club, Saturday, 23 rd November -7pm
Our Second Fundraising Clothes Fashion Show – Sunday, 8th December - 1pm.
FIRST FRIDAYS MASS FOR LIFE at Holy Family Church, Port Glasgow, this Friday (4 th
Oct) at 7pm with Bishop John. Eucharistic Adoration, opportunity for Confession and silent
prayer for Pro Life from 6pm.
Annual Safeguarding Announcement will be read out at Masses next Sunday (6th October)
PAYA the national on-line system for making donations to parishes and charities has been withdrawn.
If you used this system for donations then please consider setting up regular payments via your online
banking directly to the parish going forward instead of via PAYAcharity. Details – see below.
Parishioners who did use this system will receive an email in the coming days explaining this change.
This government change also impacts on the old QR code which has been removed for the moment
within the church building. Once the new system is in place a new QR code will be issued to St
Fillan’s. In the meantime, your weekly offering donation can be made via electronic online banking
to St Fillan’s RC Church, Houston:
Sort Code: 80 – 05 – 82 Account Number: 00860233
Thank you for your continued generosity to the Restoration Fund, especially to the anonymous donor
of £1000 this week. Further restoration works in hall and stairway will resume shortly.
May St Michael, the Archangel, intercede for us all on this his feast-day. AMcF