12th Sunday of 23rd June
St Fillan’s Houston The Bulletin
Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.
Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning at 9.30am.
Wednesday: Evening Mass at 7pm.
Rosary before each weekday Mass.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.
Your prayers, please for our parish family: Grace Parsons, Ryan Mulholland, Maisie Reed, Ann Trimble and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.
FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Bob McManus (Uddingston) Stephen Marshall and Sister Kathleen Owens.
ANNIVERSARIES: Bernard Parsons, Annama Abraham, Jose Perekkat, Betty McGeough, Fr Edward G Costello and Canon Bernard J Canning.
SPECIAL COLLECTION today for Peter’s Pence. This collection provides financial support to the Holy Father, providing the means to respond to those suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease.
MASSES IN JULY & AUGUST: the summer programme for Masses will be in place, throughout the holiday months of July and August. Beginning on Sunday 7th July until and including Sunday 1st September. The St Fillan’s Vigil Mass at 5.00pm on Saturday and Sunday Mass at 9.30am will continue as normal. The usual St Fillan’s Sunday 11.00am Mass will not take place during these months. However, an 11.00am Sunday Mass will be celebrated, nearby, at St Conval’s, Linwood, PA3 3HB, each Sunday over July and August.
Weekday Masses beginning on Monday 1st July will take place on Mondays and Fridays in St Conval’s (10.00am) and on Tuesdays and Thursdays in St Fillan’s (9.30am) throughout July and August.
SCHOOL SUMMER FAYRE in the garden on Friday was enjoyed by the many who took part. Thank you to all: those who worked hard to make it possible, especially the Parent Council, those who supported with donations of home baking and to all who came along. Despite the gloomy weather forecast for rain it actually remained a rain-free-evening.
THANK YOU for your continued generosity which make the ongoing -works and rest of the restoration project possible. Special envelopes to support the Restoration Fund are available at the door. Please, consider Gift-Aid and remember to make any cheque payable to St Fillan’s RC Church, Houston.
FUNDRAISING continues apace, some planed events are listed below. If you can help, get involved or even have possible ideas to contribute please use the new St Fillan’s Fundraising email: Fundraising.stfillan@rcdop.org.uk For those who wish hand written communication a Restoration Fundraising Suggestions-Box will soon be placed at the main-door. All are welcome. More updates soon.
“Doors-Open” Day – Saturday, 7th September.
Garden Fete, Sunday, 15th September - 12noon.
St Andrew’s Ceilidh Night – Saturday, 23rd November.
Another Fundraising Clothes Fashion Show – Sunday, 8th December.
JUNE PRAYER: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: I place all my trust in Thee. AMcF