11th Sunday of Year (B) 16th June 2024

11th Sunday of Year (B) 16th June 2024

St Fillan’s Houston                                  The Bulletin


June: this month is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5.00pm. Holy Mass at 9.30 & 11.00am on Sunday.

Weekday Masses: Monday evening at 7pm and Friday morning at 9.30am.

Rosary before each weekday Mass.

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation & Penance) on Saturdays at 4.30pm.


Your prayers, please for our parish family: Grace Parsons, Ryan Mulholland, Maisie Reed, Ann Trimble and Paul Kearney - their carers, all those in hospital and our residential homes and for all suffering in mind and body today: Lord, bless them with your grace and peace.


FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Moira Weatherall and Robert Sandford.


ANNIVERSARIES: Anna Winters, Rose Collins, Mary Mimnaghand Fr Neil Duffin - grant them eternal rest, Lord.


SPECIAL COLLECTION today for the vital work of the Pro-Life apostolate.


SUMMER FAYRE in aid of for St Fillan’s School, organised by our Parents Council, will take place in the garden this Friday evening (21st June) from 6 – 8pm. All welcome. Donations for the home baking stall required and would be appreciated.  These can be left at side chapel on Friday morning before or after 9.30am Mass.  


THANK YOU for your continued generosity which make the recent-works and rest of the restoration project possible. Essential pointing and painting works around the new windows was being completed this week. Special envelopes to support the Restoration Fund are available at the door. Please, consider Gift-Aid and remember to make any chequepayable to St Fillan’s RC Church, Houston.


VOCATIONS: on Thursday, 12th September, Diocesan Vocations Mass at St. John’s Church in Port Glasgow at 6.30pm. Make note in diary. Pray for vocations each day.


PRO-LIFE REP: could you be a parish rep working in a diocesan PRO-LIFE group against the Assisted Suicide Bill before the Scottish Parliament? Reps will write to MSPs and encourage others to do the same; they will meet MSPs in their surgeries; they will call public meetings in Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire, inviting local councillors, MSPs and MPs.

Email Marianne at curia@rcdop.org.uk for more info.


FORTHCOMING PARISH DATES: Garden Fete, Sunday,15th September at 12noon

St Andrew’s Ceilidh Night – Saturday, 23rd November.

Another Fundraising Clothes Fashion Show – Sunday, 8th December.


JUNE PRAYER: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: I place all my trust in Thee.       AMcF